
  • ISSN: 1989-8436
  • ジャーナル h-index: 22
  • 雑誌引用スコア: 7.55
  • ジャーナルのインパクトファクター: 6.38
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Symptoms Types of Fungal Infection

Dr. Milly Gour

Fungi are mainly opportunistic pathogens that only invade the body if a severely weakened natural defense permits them to do so. Most factors facilitating an invasive fungal infection are unavoidable because they are directly connected to the underlying diseases as well as to their treatment. Aspergillosis is a disease caused by Aspergillus, a common mold (a type of fungus) that lives indoors and outdoors. Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores every day without getting sick. However, people with weakened immune systems or lung diseases are at a higher risk of developing health problems due to Aspergillus. There are different types of aspergillosis. Some types are mild, but some of them are very serious.

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