
  • ISSN: 1698-9465
  • ジャーナル h-index: 26
  • 雑誌引用スコア: 9.83
  • ジャーナルのインパクトファクター: 7.03
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  • プロクエスト召喚
  • 大学補助金委員会
  • ジュネーブ医学教育研究財団
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  • シェルパ・ロメオ
  • 秘密検索エンジン研究所


Osteomielitis de la Base del Cráneo y Otras Complicaciones Secundarias a Otitis Media Aguda Detectadas por Tomografía Craneal Simple en un Paciente Pediátrico: Reporte de un Caso

Santos-Fernández WJ, Casas-Murillo C*, Ordoñez-Rivas FO and Claudia Yasbek RG

Skull Base osteomyelitis is a rare clinical entity, even more in the pediatric population, with a high overall mortality. Typical cases appear as a complication of malignant otitis external, compromising the temporal bone. We present a case of a male 11 month old infant that was admitted at the intensive care unit of the Hospital Universitario "José Eleuterio González " located in Monterrey, México, because of a history of 7 days of fever, cough, otorrhea, bipapebral edema with right side conjuntival erythema and septic shock with altered consciousness. After the initial assesment and treatment a non contrasted head CT was made that showed gas density in the skull base, the cavernous sinus and the right transverse sinus topography, right stranding of intraconal fat with a hyperdense a thick right superior ophthalmic vein and hipodense lesions on the brain. Even though the magnetic resonance (MRI) has the higher sensibility and specificity for this image diagnosis, recognizing through a simple head tomography this entity and possible complications is important because of the need of urgent adequate and directed treatment.