Mahabal NS and Kaliwal BB
In recent years L-asparaginase has been gaining interest of researchers as it is a potential anti-tumor drug. It has also been reported that the enzyme also possesses anti-inflammatory property. That present investigation is an insight to the invitro anti-inflammatory property of L-asparaginase extracted from that fungus Aspergillus tamarii. The invitro assessment methods included albumin denaturation assay, proteinase inhibitory activity and membrane stabilization using Diclofenac sodium and Aspirin as standard drugs. In the present study, L-asparaginase (10 μg/ml to 50 μg/ml) was used as the test sample for anti-inflammatory tests. The results indicated that 50 μg/ml of l-asparaginase showed significant inhibition values. 52.38% of albumin denaturation, 46.87% of proteinase inhibition, 55.26% of haemolysis inhibition and 51.21% of inhibition of hypotonic induced haemolysis. The results indicate that that extracted L-asparaginase possesses anti-inflammatory property apart from being an anti-tumor drug.